User ID: 5

Meta KeyMeta ValueMeta KeyMeta Value
address13address_twoelisibeth street
cityHalton HillsstateON
assign_patent_rightsNo I Don't need to assign patent rights to a business entity or non-inventorinvention_agencyNo The invention was not made by an agency of the United States Government
assignee_ownershipThe assignee who will receive ownership is a Business Entity.assignee_legal_namekeaton mcmahon
assignee_address13assignee_address_line2elisibeth street
assignee_previous_registrationsNo assignee previously didn't applied for more than 4 non-provisional patent applicationsassignee_gross_income_peryearNo assignee individually don't have a gross income last year of more than $212,352
assignee_income_sourceNo assignee's income don't come from a US institution of higher educationinvention_detailsi saw this problem online a few weeks ago, it turns out that planes do not have a engine to power the wheels in larger aircrafts, so when they land the wheels go from a almost zero speed to over 100 mph in less then a second causing undue stress on the tires and the landing strip. So i was thinking if you had aerodynamic blades/scoops/fins on the sides of the wheels attached to the rims or reshaped the wheels to catch the air so they would speed up before hitting the ground. it would save the air line industry allot of money on tires and repairs to the runway. #1. speeds up the rotation of the tires by aerodynamics so they reach flight speeds before landing #2. it works by causing the flow of air around the tires or on the blades/scoops/fins to rotate the tire. #3. by adding fins/blades/scoops to the sides of the tires or by changing the shape of the tire it would catch more wind and speed up before touching down. #4. you can add the fins/scoops/blades to the sides of the tire/wheels with bolts or welding them on or adhesive or changing the shape of the rubber tire to catch the air and cause rotation to reduce stress on the wheels when landing.
invention_detail_fileinvention_drawings_fileC:\fakepath\tire + aerodynamics = less damage to plane tires and landing strips.jpg
invention_titlePlane wheel upgradespricing_planBasic Package: Review & File Your Descriptions and Drawings
name_on_cardkeaton mcmahoncard_number4506445747177267
cvv_number859card_typeVisa Card
payment_card_expiry_date2029-02-01patnet_search_reportI don't want Patent Search Report

Inventors Data

Legal NameCityCountaryEmailStatePrevious RegistrationsIncome SourceGross Income Peryear
keaton allan mcmahonLambton shoresCanadamcmahonkeaton@gmail.comOntarioNo inventor previously didn't applied for more than 4 non-provisional patent applicationsNo inventor's income don't come from a US institution of higher educationNo inventor individually don't have a gross income last year of more than $212,352