Select Level of Service


$199 +$60 Govt Fee

Patent Pending Status For 12 Months

Email Consultaion with a Patent Practitioner


$499 +$60 Govt Fee

Patent Pending Status For 12 Months

Professionally Drafted Patent Writing
Professionally Drafted Patent Drawings

Phone And Email Consultation With a Patent Practiotioner


$799 +$60 Govt Fee

Patent Pending Status For 12 Months

Professionally Drafted Patent Writing

Professionally Drafted Patent Drawings

Phone And Email Consultation With a Patent Practiotioner

$60 govt fee assumes you are classified as "micro entity" by USPTO. If you have filed more than 4 non-provisional patent apps in the past, or have an annual income of greater than $206,109, you may be classified as "small entity" or "large entity" which requires a $120 or $300 govt fee.

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